Education Abroad

Study with Pleasure
by a Popular Company in Uzbekistan



For building a successful career, demand as a specialist in modern society, a high position in society and decent pay, the main role is played by higher education, and it is better if it is received abroad.

Most receive their first higher education in domestic educational institutions, while the quality of education, acquired knowledge and skills leave much to be desired.


Pluses - The highest level and quality of education, the demand for graduates in the labor market, the high scientific and pedagogical level of teachers, complete immersion in the educational process, valuable contacts and contacts abroad.

Student Life

Cons - the only disadvantage of studying abroad is the financial side, since not every parent can afford to pay the cost of training. But this problem is solvable, many foreign universities understand this, and allow students to work after studies, scholarships and grants for good studies are also provided, which can also cover most of the cost of training.


Prices range from 200 to 50 000 USD per year in 2020 year. You can see the full list of study programs with prices in our list of studies.

Contact Us - the oldest education abroad agency in Uzbekistan, which successfully recruit students to study abroad since 2006.